Sunday, March 20, 2011
Checkin' in...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Signs of life...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I replaced the water pump, radiator hoses, and bypassed the leaking heater for the time being. The old garden hose test on the radiator was positive, so I put it back in, for now. New fan belt, new spark plugs and wires (distributor cap looks like new), and new negative battery cable. Since it’s time to get the battery installed, I am now not sure what I have: a 6V or a 12V? Somehow, somewhere, or someone, I got the idea that I had the 6V, but after some clean-up (again, note that I said "some" clean-up) of the engine compartment, I can clearly see a "12V" on the tag of my AutoLite starter motor.

Getting close enough to a first trial start that I can almost taste it!
One hurdle down...
Update…a couple weeks of frustration over the broken bolts last month. It took quite a bit of creativity, swearing, and begging to get the snapped bolts out. I called in Darryl Ranges, long time friend and co-instructor, who now owns Sedona 4wd Solutions. He is my go-to guy when I can’t do it. He was able to drill out one bolt (after snapping the EZ-out in it), but had to resort to the old BFH, tap and die to restore the other one.

Having that done means I can finally move forward with everything else. In the meantime, I was cleaning and installing new parts in the fuel (see previous post) and cooling systems. I put my new Kaiser Willys catalog to good use! Very quick and thorough service from Kaiser Willys!

Dealing with a gassy situation...
I pulled the gas tank (only three bolts hold that in!?) for cleaning. Since it sat for years with a missing gas cap, I feared the worst. It wasn’t too bad—some varnish, some grit, and a well-preserved cockroach, who I named Fred (visible in lower right of photo).

I had a hard time seeing into the tank, so I stuck my camera in and got a great view of the inside of the tank:

Bought a chrome gas cap at Checker for $6.99—my favorite purchase so far, as it is the first externally visible sign of progress on this wagon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Cooling woes
Joey pulled upper and lower radiator hoses off and tried to run water through, with no results. Due to the large amount of visible rust flakes, we pulled out the radiator, fan, water pump, and thermostat. We were both amazed at how easy all of the bolts came out, but then JOEY snapped off BOTH thermo-housing bolts. The valve cover is also the head, so I am not crazy about pulling that to back out the snapped bolts. I am starting to ask myself why I am so fixated on the cooling system first…oh, yeah, because I live in Arizona!

Checker only has a 180ยบ thermostat, so I might have to order one, as well as the funky metal spring cuff that holds the thermo in place in the housing. Just in time for such needs, my new Kaiser Willys Auto Supply catalog arrived in the mail. To get yours, call 1-888-648-4923—Mike is great! I picked up some cooling system cleaner and some acetone to clean out the gas tank. I am going to have Darryl work his magic on my snapped bolts tomorrow. Maybe Friday I can get around to dropping the gas tank.